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Foster Care & Adoption

Resource Parents


Why are children in foster care?

Sometimes natural parents are unable to meet their children’s physical or emotional needs.
A combination of a variety of factors may lead to a child’s placement in the foster care system:

  • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse,
  • Neglect,
  • Abandonment
  • Mental illness,
  • Family stress,
  • Death or incarceration of a parent

Foster Care is a program designed to provide a positive family life experience for a child. During placement, the Foster Parent or Family provides a home, care, and works with the placing agency to move the child beyond their current situation in preparation for a bright future.

In most cases, Foster Care is intended to be a short-term supportive intervention for the child and their family. The initial placement goal is to reunite the child and their family whenever possible. However, circumstances may require that the child be placed in long-term Foster Care, considered for adoption or, for older children, assisted in making the transition to independent living.

Families are needed for boys and girls ages 0 to 21. Currently, the greatest need is for families who can open their hearts and homes to older boys and girls ages 11 to 18.


Do I need to be married to be a foster parent?

No. Single persons and unmarried couples can also become approved as foster parents. However, if two adults are presenting as a couple, then both must go through the approval process.


Will I receive financial support when working with a foster child?

Yes. Children's Home of York provides a daily stipend for each child in care with your family. A child will also come with their own state medical insurance which will cover medical, dental and pharmaceutical needs.


Why should I consider becoming a foster parent?

There is a growing need for foster homes for children and teens, and a particular need to keep siblings together. When a family is in crisis and children are unable to remain with their caretaker, we need loving, stable foster families to step in and walk with a child through this challenging time. These children, like all children, need love, support, guidance, and structure in their lives. You have the opportunity to make a real difference in a child's life at a time when they need it most!


Who Would Be a Good Foster Parent?

Quite Possibly — YOU! There are hundreds of children in need of a temporary or permanent home.
Whether you want to be a parent, already are a parent or are now an empty-nester.
if you work full time, part time, have retired or want to work from home as a professional foster parent — if you are single or married — as long as you’ve got a little bit more room in your heart and home, we want to hear from you.
We offer fee-free adoptions, foster care, foster care to adoption, kinship care, and respite assistance. Plus, our foster parents receive training, support and tax-free compensation up to $1,800 a month to make the process a success.


Children of all ages are waiting for someone just like you!