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BRIDGES™ Referral Form

BRIDGES™ Referral Form

Child's Basic Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Child's Gender Identity
ext Extension
Insurance Information

Note: Our program only accepts clients eligible for Medical Assistance (Medicaid) at this time.

Parent/Guardian Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Guardian's Rights
Child's Background
Has the child been involved with Children and Youth Services?
Has the child been involved with the Juvenile Justice System?
Child's Treatment History (Type N/A if Child has no history)
Risk Management Assessment
Does the child have a history of:
School Information
Is the child currently in alternative education or cyber school?
First Name *
Last Name *
ext Extension
Does the child have an Individualized Education Plan/504 Plan?
If so, is the IEP/504 Plan for:



If you are having trouble with the online form, click below to download the form as a document. Once complete, please submit to our CHOY team at


Questions about referrals? Contact CHOY at 717-755-1033