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Ways to Help

Annual Appeal

At Children’s Home of York, we believe in empowering children to thrive. We can provide safe and nurturing environments that allow children and adolescents to grow, but we can’t do it alone. We need your support to make a lasting impact on the lives of each client that walks through our doors.

Our Annual Appeal is a heartfelt call to action for our community and create brighter futures. It’s an invitation for you to be a part of something incredible. You can change lives, lives like Reagan’s.

Reagan struggled with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This made her relationship with her parents strained. One day, she was brought home after running away. Reagan then attempted suicide. She was first admitted to a hospital near home but struggled with the atmosphere of an in-patient facility. After two months, Reagan was transferred to CHOY’s A.N.G.E.L. Center.

Reagan continued to reject the help offered to her at first, “me and (my therapist) were definitely butting heads because I didn’t want to talk to her. I would just walk out of her office; I wasn’t having it.” About halfway through her stay, Reagan came to a realization. “I was like ‘let me put in the work to actually go home.’ I realized my parents were a certain way, and there are things about them that I can’t control, but I could work on myself.” Through her therapy, Reagan explored healthy and constructive communication skills. She began writing everything down: her emotions, challenges, and experiences. It was the first positive way Reagan expressed herself. As Reagan contemplates her nine months at CHOY, she says it was a pivotal event to get her life back on track. “I am grateful I had a good experience at CHOY and I got the tools to live a successful life. I definitely still use a lot of tools that I learned not only on myself, but other people as well.”

Since moving back to her hometown, Reagan has published two books of poetry independently, reflecting on her emotions and grief. She shares her talent by teaching writing classes in inner city Philadelphia to inspire the next generation of writers. Reagan has also started her own publishing company, and you can find out more about her work at

Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a tremendous difference. Together, we can empower children and adolescents to reach their full potential, break the cycle of adversity, and build a brighter future.